classes/ workshops
Axis Syllabus*improvisation
"back to the dance itself"
mondays, 11:00:-12:30h, online
info and registration via Tanzfabrik Berlin
-about deconstruction, reconstruction and interrelations
Diverse scores of improvisation pave the way to deepen and solidify our understanding of functional anatomy and biomechanics. Moving through theory and somatic embodiment, we'll cultivate a creative and creating corporeality.
The focus of this class is the exploration and contextualisation of the body’s multidimensional existence. Examining principles of biomechanics can help us to understand the body in different movement situations and, if necessary, to adapt our training methods to it. What’s the idea behind a “proper alignment”? For what it’s needed and how does the concept of alignment supports and/or hinders each individual movement expressions?

Axis Syllabus regular class
at Tanzfabrik Berlin
Wednesdays, 17:30:-19:00h, Möckernstraße,
Berlin X-berg​
This weekly evening class offers an inquiry into the Axis Syllabus for all bodies and all levels of experience, both beginners and professionals are welcome! Using the Axis Syllabus as a tool for the sincere inquiry, this class commits to research, to explore and to reflect movement patterns and creates various ways to experience and practice it. The research will lead us through choreographic material, as well as through improvisation, CI and partnering. Let's encourage the dialogue of our body to apply these findings in diverse movement situations!

“When everyone in the classroom, teacher and students, recognizes that they are responsible for creating a learning community together, learning is at its most meaningful and useful.”
bell hooks

Picture: La Carlo, Ludger Storcks, Diana Thielen