reflect your practice
- with Diana Thielen & Vincenz Kokot
kontaktiert mich bitte für eine deutsche Kursbeschreibung
We are in the process of creating a series of monthly gatherings,
which will be partly theoretical and partly practical.
The book "Yoga and Body Image" (2014, Editors: Melanie Klein & Anna Guest.-Shelley) offers a discussion-guide, including specific, text-related questions, which will accompany us in the theoretical part of the meeting.
An asana-based yoga practice, explicitly welcoming diversity in bodies, race, abilities, gender, sexual orientation and social background, supports us to find healthy, empowered relations in our bodies and minds.
Later in the process, the group can add other texts to read and discuss. The book is easy to start with, as it embraces many crucial topics such as white privilege, fat-shaming, gender and sexuality, to mention just a few.
The goal is a sharing and study group. We wish to encouraging a trusting and welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Nevertheless, we know that daily commitments sometimes inhibit regular participation, which means that we prefer a responsible regular involvement but also want to avoid obligatory attendance.
As mentioned before, we will do our best to create a space where diversity in particular is encouraged. The confrontation with privilege, body image and social (in-)justice can be exhausting and also very emotional.
Hopefully this gathering will provide a safer space where all voices will be heard and where the asana practise, including some meditation and breathing exercises, emphasises the necessity and beauty of a reflective yoga practise.
Stay tuned and spread the word!
If you already want to register, please write some words about why you would like to participate to: info@dianathielen.com
stay tuned for the next gathering-we'll let you know!
How much:
sliding scale/ je nach Möglichkeiten 15-25 €
we always provide free places if money is an issue, as well as for folks who are usually not that represented in yoga spaces and experience marginalisation and discrimination. To create this situation we need the honest contribution of everyone.
PINK MELON JOY, Harzer Str. 19, Berlin

Picture: Nikolai Marcinowsk