Birte Opitz. Also named Birdy or Birdz.
I love to move, be moved and move others.
In a physical, emotional, spacial or political way.
I mostly do this while dancing on or off stage, although I prefer immersive formats. I'm also really good in making invisible or just imagined art. But sometimes my ego takes over, then I enjoy being observed when my movement and voice comes close to an energy explosion mixed with a slice of anger and humor. Big*rough*strong*sexy*soft. I get people in movement through teaching. Teaching and art making is basically the same for me. I want to write and sing more.
My artisitc body is an intra-action out of (western) theater & performance & contemporary dance and Tanzwissenschaft. My oldest practice is fighting and doing cart wheels, then I gathered somatic, sensing and radical softness skills. Feminism gave me words to my actions. Currently I'm becoming a feminist empowerment and self defense trainer, yess.
Trough writing my Masterthesis "Queering the Physical Truth. Agential Realism as a queerfeminist potential for Klein Technique TM" I was criticizing my own somatic*dance practices and tried to find fun in them again trough a feminist gaze.
I'm an intimacy intensity addict. I choose challenge over fun.
I'm in love with collective and solidary ways of living, loving and working.
Also, I'm a Libra. Maybe that's why I'm a bit obsessed with keeping things in balance. In combination with being a responsibility nerd, I always feel the need to bring things together. You might have noticed that in my writing. My horoscope told me to forget about balance this year and go for contradictions. So let's see where my artistic body ends up moving and writing...
read Birte's article "Queering the Physicla Truth"
pic by Rike Fänger.