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The wish of movement*activism is to create multidimensional activities on body politic matters as e.g. study and reflection gatherings to question social behavior within yoga and dance settings.


Does a dance practice, offer us an object of research, to reflect, question and reinvent social, embodied norms?


movement in naming refers to two things: movement and dance per se. And I like the idea of ​​a movement, a group of people who try to create (social) change through different actions.

new Queer Contact Improvisation >>

It's our intention to create a queer space of empowerment, connection, and transformation through the research and practice of Contact Improvisation.

new videos >>

Gender und Tanz? Was hat unsere Geschlechtsidentität mit der Tanzvermittlung zu tun? 4 neue Videos beschäftigen sich mit diesem Thema, und 1 Video ist mit Gebärdensprache!

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Gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Programm NEUSTART KULTUR, Hilfsprogramm DIS-TANZEN des Dachverband Tanz Deutschland


movement explorations through the lens of the axis syllabus freed my body. feminism freed  my mind.  yoga empowered the relation of my body and mind.


I will write in German and in English. I will ask questions and try to answer them, with a lot of support from my collaborators, over time. This blog sees itself as a constantly renewing and reflective platform - in which e.g. dance, yoga & feminism are not mutually exclusive.


Pictures: Malu Blume, La Carlo, Nikolai Marcinowsk, Diana Thielen, Florence Freitag

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